The Adventures of Kal-El (Murray, 1982) (February 1982) — Day of the Costume Change (Superboy's Secret Diary)
Comic: Comic story
The Adventures of Kal-El (Murray, 1982) (February 1982) — The Last Time I Saw Smallville (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
The Untold Legend of the Batman (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — SST--the Super-Sonic Threat! (Man-Bat)
Comic: Comic story
The Untold Legend of the Batman (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — Whodunit (Commissioner Gordon)
Comic: Comic story
World of Krypton (Murray, 1982) (17 March 1982) — Day Into Night -- Night Into Day! (Fabulous World of Krypton)
Comic: Comic story
Crime Fighters (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — The Whittles Snatch (Man-Bat)
Comic: Comic story
Champions of Justice (Murray, 1982?) (April 1982) — Hawkman (JLA Databank Dossier)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — A Scoop for a Snoop! (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — Too Good to Be True! (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — The Case of the Stolen Clock (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — News Before It Happens! (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — Search for a Secret-Seeker (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — Clark Gives Blood.. Superman Saves Lives… (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — Take Me out of the Ball Game (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — The Newsboy Who Saw too Much! (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982) — Superman Interviews Clark Kent (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
Orphan from Krypton (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Dog-Detective of Smallville (Krypto the Superdog)
Comic: Comic story
Orphan from Krypton (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — Superboy Meets Clark Kent (Superboy Presents Strange Encounters of the First Time)
Comic: Comic story
Orphan from Krypton (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Superboy Training of Clark Kent (Superboy Presents Strange Encounters of the First Time)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Action Album (Murray, 1982?) #20 (1982) — A Close Shave for Air Wave! (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Krypton Chronicles (Murray, 1982) (July 1982) — The Super Watchdog of Smallville (Krypto, the Superdog)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Murray, 1982) (August 1982) — The Spoil Sport of New York! (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Masked Manhunter (Murray, 1982?) (August 1982) — While the Bat's Away… (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
All Star Heroes (Murray, 1982) (25 August 1982) — What Light through Underwater Breaks? (Aquaman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (September 1982) — Captive of the Red Sun (Superboy Presents: Strange Encounters of the First Time!)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (September 1982) — Superboy Meets Superboy...Almost! (Superboy Presents Strange Encounters of the First Time!)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (September 1982) — Where, Oh Where Has Superboy Gone? (Superman: The In-Between Years)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (September 1982) — Metropolis: Day 1 (Superman: The In-Between Years)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (September 1982) — Superboy's Mystery Mission! (Superboy Presents Strange Encounters of the First Time!)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Murray, 1982) (October 1982) — Mind over Money (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — The Red Dart's Deadly Arts (The Atom and Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — Sunspotter's Crime Collection (Air Wave and The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — Sorry--Wrong Powers! (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — The Clueless Capers of Chronos (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — Crimes by Calculation (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — The Hurricane Harness Hijack (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — The Eye of the Storm (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Atom (Murray, 1982) (December 1982) — Catastrophe by Calculation (The Atom and Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Murray, 1983 series) #3 (February 1983) — The Troublemaker of New Metropolis! (Superman 2020)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Murray, 1982 series) #2 (March 1983) — The Copycatgirl Capers (Robin, the Teen Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Adventure Comics (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (April-May 1983) — Siren of the Sargasso (Aquaman)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (July 1983) — No Time Off for Heroes! (The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (July 1983) — An Eye (and Ear) on the World (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (August 1983) — Sinister Spectacle of the Sunspotter (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (September 1983) — Last 'Scoop' on Krypton (The Fabulous Wold of Krypton)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (December 1983) — Gone with the Wings! (Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (December 1983) — Pirates of the Spaceways! (Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (December 1983) — Untitled [Matter...Matter Everywhere!] (Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (December 1983) — I Have My Wings and I Must Fly! (Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #1 (January 1984) — Grow, Little Growfish! (Aquaman; The Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (February 1984) — Diamonds Aren't Forever (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (February 1984) — Air Wave Tunes In! (Air Wave (Hal Jordan))
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984) — The Man Who Created Villains! (Superman; Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #7 (February 1984) — ...And Not a Drop to Drink (The Fabulous World of Krypton)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #7 (February 1984) — The Ace of New Metropolis (Superman 2020)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984) — The Man Who Created Villains! (Superman; Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (March 1984) — Air Wave Under the Waves (Air Wave and Aquaman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (March 1984) — The Cat and the Conover Caper (The Catwoman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (March 1984) — Whatever Happened to the Original Air Wave? (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (March 1984) — Air Wave Goes Blank! (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and the Outsiders (Federal, 1985 series) #7 (April 1984) — The Mystery Murderer of "Mrs. Batman"! (Unsolved Cases of the Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #3 (June 1984) — Land-Masters of the Sea (Aquaman)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #3 (June 1984) — The Record-Breaking Debut of the Disc Jockey (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #11 (August 1984) — Beware the Yellow Peri (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #11 (August 1984) — The Yellow Peri Peril (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Introduces Superwoman Annual (Federal, 1985 series) (September 1984) — The Secret Origin of Bruce (Superman) Wayne (Just Imagine)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Introduces Superwoman Annual (Federal, 1985 series) (September 1984) — A Night in the Life of Bruce (Superman) Wayne (Just Imagine)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #5 (October 1984) — Air-Wave's Close Encounter! (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans Annual (Federal, 1985 series) (October 1984) — Whatever Happened to Robotman? (Whatever Happened To...?; Robotman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #6 (October 1984) — The Day the Earth Exploded (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #6 (October 1984) — The Conqueror From the Past (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #8 (February 1985) — Yesterday Once More (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #9 (March 1985) — Thievery by Whitefire (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (Federal, 1983 series) #9 (May 1985) — Whatever Happened to Congorilla? (Whatever Happened To...?; Congorilla)
Comic: Comic story
Vigilante (Federal, 1984 series) #5 (May 1985) — Origin! (Vigilante)
Comic: Comic story
DC Comics Presents Superman and the Golden Age Superman Annual (Federal, 1985?) (May 1985) — Sun-Death (Superman 2020)
Comic: Comic story
DC Comics Presents Superman and the Golden Age Superman Annual (Federal, 1985?) (May 1985) — Deadly New Year--2021! (Superman 2020)
Comic: Comic story
DC Comics Presents Superman and the Golden Age Superman Annual (Federal, 1985?) (May 1985) — Kidnappers In the Sky! (Superman 2020)
Comic: Comic story
Vigilante (Federal, 1984 series) #5 (May 1985) — Origin! (Vigilante)
Comic: Cover
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #10 (June 1985) — The All-Searing Eyes (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #7 (June 1985) — The Last Time I Saw Smallville
Part 2: Where, Oh Where Has Superboy Gone
Part 3: Perry White's Superboy Scoop (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #8 (June 1985) — The Parasite's Power Ploys! (Superman; Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #10 (June 1985) — Un-Dial H For Hero (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #10 (June 1985) — The Once-and-Future Peri(l)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Teen Titans (Federal, 1985 series) #11 (July 1985) — Lights! Camera! Destruction! (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #17 (August 1985) — The Day They Nuked Superman (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #12 (October 1985) — Their Magnetic Majesties--King Alexander and Queen Bee (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Teen Titans (Federal, 1985 series) #12 (October 1985) — Water, Water Everywhere (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Adventure (Federal, 1983 series) #13 (January 1986) — Whatever Happened to the Golden Age Atom? (The Golden Age Atom [Al Pratt])
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Teen Titans (Federal, 1985 series) #13 (February 1986) — Who's Who Among Heroes and Villains (Dial H for HERO)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Teen Titans (Federal, 1985 series) #13 (February 1986) — Heroes Aren't Born--They're Dialed (Dial H for Hero)
Comic: Comic story