Keith Chatto Australia

30 November 1924 in Australia
22 October 1992 in Australia
67 years
Credited for





Also known as

Joy Neill (pen name)

KC (pen name)

Ronald Keith Chatto (birth name)


Keith Chatto (1945?-1950?)

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Keith Chatto was born at Kogarah NSW. His father, an accountant for Smith's Weekly, showed his son's art to work colleagues and Jim Russell invited Chatto to attend art classes in Smith's studio. He found work in the art department at Greater Union Theatres and then drew aircraft recognition charts for the the Australian Air Training Corps before enlisting for the second world war.

After returning to civilian life, Chatto had a comic strip, Destiny Scott, published in the in the mid-week children's section of the Sydney Morning Herald, starting 26 June 1946. In 1947 he produced two strips for The Australian Sunbather (Ashworth Publications).

Chatto's first comic stories were for Jim and Dan Russell's All-Australian Comics, The Buccaneer (1947-1948), Bunny Allen, the Glamour Girl (1948). He created The Lone Wolf for Atlas (1949) and Steven Carlisle for Larry Cleland (1954). He worked on The Twilight Ranger (1955) and El Lobo (1957) at Cleveland Press.

From the mid 1950s, he worked on magazine illustrations, record sleeves and pulp novels covers, notably numerous covers for Yaffa/Page comics and magazines from the mid-1960s. He did a comic series based on the Skippy the Bush Kagaroo TV series (1967) for Magazine Management. In 1972, he created the mature 'Flame and Ash' as Joy Neill and ghosted some strips for Air Hawk and the Flying Doctors, before taking over the Sunday strip in mid-1977. He left to become a freelance film producer and cameraman.

The first Australian Phantom story 'Rumble in the Jungle' was drawn by Chatto with scripts by Jim Shepherd (1990). With Shepherd, Chatto drew two more Phantom stories, 'Return of the Singh Brotherhood' (1992) and 'The Kings Cross Connection' (1992).

Showing items 826 to 895 of 895

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Gunslinger Western (Yaffa Publishing, 1974? series) #5 (June 1977)
Comic: Cover
Best Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1973? series) #7 (1977)
Comic: Cover
Gunslinger Western (Yaffa Publishing, 1974? series) #6 (June 1978)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
Outlaw Adventures (Yaffa/Page, 1978?) (1978)
Comic: Cover
Unforgettable Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #8 (October 1978)
Comic: Cover
Navy Battle Library (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #1 (1978)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
Unforgettable Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #10 (December 1978)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
Unforgettable Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #11 (1980)
Comic: Cover
Unforgettable Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #11 (February 1980)
Comic: Cover
Silver Star Western Library (Yaffa/Page, 1974 series) #4 (February 1980)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
Unforgettable Love Stories (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #13 (April 1980)
Comic: Cover
War in the Army (Yaffa/Page, 1973? series) #7 (July 1980)
Comic: Cover
Western Outlaw Library (Yaffa Publishing, 1980? series) #1 (1980)
The Saddle Tramp Wore Six-Guns!
Comic: Cover
Confessions & Love Library (Yaffa/Page, 1973? series) #16 (October 1980)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #945 (28 December 1989)
The Mystery of Cape Cod! (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #948 (February 1990)
The Raid in Sanloi (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #951A (March 1990)
Rumble in the Jungle (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #951A (March 1990)
History Making Edition (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #2 (April 1990)
The Phantom
Comic: Promo
Top Word Twists (Yaffa/Page, 1980? series) #9 (1990)
Activity book: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #953A (April 1990)
The Seahorse (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #953A (April 1990)
The Seahorse (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #953A (April 1990)
[Back cover] (The Phantom)
Comic: Illustration
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #3 (May 1990)
The Phantom
Comic: Promo
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #5 (July 1990)
The Witch of Kaloon (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #5 (July 1990)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #961 (August 1990)
The Last Unicorn (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #962 (September 1990)
Return of the Singh Brotherhood (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #963 (September 1990)
The Crystal Skull (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #962 (September 1990)
Return of the Singh Brotherhood! (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #963 (September 1990)
[Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #965 (October 1990)
Deadly Cargo (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #965A (October 1990)
Untitled (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #6 (October 1990)
Untitled (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #6 (October 1990)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #965A (October 1990)
[Back cover] (The Phantom)
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #965 (October 1990)
Deadly Cargo (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #967 (November 1990)
The Eastern Dark (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #967 (November 1990)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #7 (November 1990)
Wolf Valley (Mandrake the Magician)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #7 (November 1990)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #972 [1000] (January 1991) (January 1991)
The 1,000th Issue! (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #8 (1991)
The Museum Mystery (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #8 (1991)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #9 (February 1991)
The Octopus Ring (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #9 (February 1991)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #976 (March 1991)
Worubu (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #10 (March 1991)
The Octopus Ring (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #10 (March 1991)
The Octopus Ring (Part 2) (Mandrake)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #976 (March 1991)
[Back cover] (The Phantom)
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #980 (April 1991)
The Black Death (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #979 (April 1991)
The Man Who Never Slept (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #11 (April 1991)
The Ice Lady (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #11 (April 1991)
Untitled [Back cover] (Mandrake)
Comic: Illustration
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #12 (May 1991)
Doctor Congo (Mandrake)
Comic: Cover
Mandrake the Magician (Frew, 1990 series) #12 (May 1991)
Untitled [Back cover]
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #984 (June 1991)
The Last Emperor (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #994 (October 1991)
The Cathedral Mystery (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1000 [1028] (January 1992) (January 1992)
Untitled (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1000 [1028] (January 1992) (January 1992)
The Kings Cross Connection (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1016 (July 1992)
Untitled (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1016 (July 1992)
[Back cover] (The Phantom)
Comic: Illustration
Blue Flame Enters the Gas Zone (Australian Gas Association, 1992) (November 1992)
Untitled (Blue Flame)
Comic: Cover
Blue Flame Enters the Gas Zone (Australian Gas Association, 1992) (November 1992)
Blue Flame Enters the Gas Zone (Blue Flame)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1125 (January 1996)
Rumble in the Jungle (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1156 (January 1997)
The return of the Singh Brotherhood (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1173 (August 1997)
Untitled (The Phantom)
Comic: Illustration
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1219 (15 January 1999)
The Kings Cross Connection (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1573 (17 June 2010)
Untitled (The Phantom)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom (Frew, 1983 series) #1573 (17 June 2010)
The Swamp Devil (The Phantom)
Comic: Comic story



  • 18 Feb 2015

Last updated

  • 7 Jan 2018