Steve Gerber United States

20 September 1947 in United States
10 February 2008 in United States
60 years
Credited for



Also known as

Stephen Ross Gerber

Reg Everbest (pen name)

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Who's Who of American Comic Books

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Showing items 1 to 10 of 34

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Tales of Horror Dracula (Newton, 1975 series) #2 (August 1975)
The Creature From the Crystal (Morbius)
Comic: Comic story
The Incredible Hulk (Newton, 1975 series) #14 (January 1976)
Battle for the Palace of the Gods (Man-Thing)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Marvel, 1976 series) #1 (January 1976)
Howard the Barbarian (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story
The Incredible Hulk (Newton, 1975 series) #15 (March 1976)
Nowhere to Go But Down! (Man-Thing)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Marvel, 1976 series) #2 (March 1976)
The Deadly Space Turnip! (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Cover
Howard the Duck (Marvel, 1976 series) #2 (March 1976)
Cry Turnip! (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Marvel, 1976 series) #3 (May 1976)
Four Feathers of Death! (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
Howard the Barbarian (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
Cry Turnip! (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story
Howard the Duck (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
Four Feathers of Death! (Howard the Duck)
Comic: Comic story



  • 21 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 21 Jul 2019