Ray Cavanagh Australia

Credited for




Also known as

R. Cavanagh (common alternative)

Ray Cav (common alternative)


Kavanagh provided illustrations for a range of K.G. Murray publications, as well as covers and illustrations for Transport Publishing's (Horwitz) early 1950s pulp magazines.

He drew Konga the Jungle Lord for Young's Merchandising Company.

Showing items 1 to 10 of 25

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Secret Agent Michael Chance (Pyramid, 1950? series) #10 (October 1950)
Untitled (Konga the Jungle Lord)
Comic: Comic story
Yarmak Jungle King Comic (Youngs, 1949 series) #12 (October 1950)
Untitled (Konga the Jungle Lord)
Comic: Comic story
Yarmak Jungle King Comic (Youngs, 1949 series) #13 (November 1950)
[Unknown] (Konga)
Comic: Comic story
Thrills Incorporated (AGP, 1950 series) #10 (January 1951)
Floral Hate
Pulp novel: Prose story
Thrills Incorporated (AGP, 1950 series) #10 (January 1951)
Escape to Paradise
Pulp novel: Prose story
Yarmak Jungle King Comic (Youngs, 1949 series) #15 (January 1951)
[Unknown] (Konga the Jungle Lord)
Comic: Comic story
Yarmak Jungle King Comic (Youngs, 1949 series) #16 (February 1951)
Untitled (Konga the Jungle Lord)
Comic: Comic story
Thrills Incorporated (AGP, 1950 series) #11 (February 1951)
Mota's Travels
Pulp novel: Prose story
Thrills Incorporated (Transport, 1951 series) #14 (May 1951)
Pulp novel series: Cover
Thrills Incorporated (Transport, 1951 series) #15 (July 1951)
Pulp novel series: Cover



  • 30 Jun 2022

Last updated

  • 1 Jul 2022