Jack Gibson Australia
- Born
- 1904 in Australia
- Died
- ? May 1980? in Australia
- Age
- 75-76 years
- Credited for
- Also known as
John Shirley Gibson
- AusReprints
Jack Gibson (1940?-1950?)
Gibson grew up in Burwood NSW. He started work as a sign-writer and moved to illustration. He had humorous articles published in newspapers from 1927 to 1933, many with his illustrations. He was also involved with amateur theatre and model construction (for Sydney's Luna Park).
He started contributing to K.G. Murray publications in 1937. From 1938, He provided a double-page spread cartoon for K.G. Murray's Man magazine called 'Infernal Nonsense'. The extensively detailed cartoons depicted people arriving in hell. He provided a full colour 'hell' cover in September 1939 and several three-page folding versions in 1940. The series ran for over 35 years, almost until Man was cancelled in 1974 after its acquisition by Australian Consolidated Press (ACP).
Gibson's art also appeared in Murray's Adam, Man Junior and Cavalcade. In 1945, Man launch another short-lived Gibson feature 'Our Town'. His 'crazy train' cartoons about a steam 'loco' led to commissions for similar work in the rail industry magazine 'Rail Transportation' in the early 1950s.
Gibson was part of the Kings Cross bohemian set, alongside artists such as Syd Nicholls, Virgil Reilly, George Finey, Unk White and George Sprod. He wrote and drew for Pertinent, whose editor Leon Batt used Gibson’s work in his book of poems Not for Fools, alongside illustrations by 'Kings Cross witch' Rosaleen Norton.
Gibson was married three times. His son from the first marriage, John Jensen, was also a successful cartoonist in England.
After finishing at Man, Gibson illustrated some advertisements for a furniture shop. He moved into a boarding house in Glebe.
Gibson's nephew Mike Gibson (27/5/40–23/9/1515) was a well known Australian sports journalist, columnist, commentator, radio announcer and television presenter. He provided an obituary in the Sydney Morning Herald 4/5/80.
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