Cosmo Cat Comics (KGM, 1947 series) #7 (April 1948) — Untitled (Cosmo Cat)
Comic: Cover
Cosmo Cat Comics (KGM, 1947 series) #7 (April 1948) — Percy on the Ocean-Liner (Percy)
Comic: Text story
Cosmo Cat Comics (KGM, 1947 series) #7 (April 1948) — Untitled (Cosmo Cat)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #1 (August 1948) — Jo-Jo in Devil Land (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #1 (August 1948) — The Death of the Fanged Lady (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #6 (January 1949) — The Death Traps of Earth (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #6 (January 1949) — The Revenge of the White Shrew (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #6 (January 1949) — The Flaming Fiend (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Jo-Jo Congo-King Comic (Youngs, 1948 series) #6 (January 1949) — Rocks of Revenge (Jo-Jo)
Comic: Comic story
Illustrated Romances (Young's, 1951 series) #6 (December 1951) — My Secret Love
Comic: Comic story