Richard Rae Australia

1958? in Australia
66-67 years
Credited for






Richard Rae—KG Murray Cover Artist by Kevin Patrick (24 April 2006)

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Writer and artist Rae was a pioneer of the modern Australian comic scene, but now has a reputation for scamming artists and collectors.

In 1979, Rae produced four original covers for KG Murray's reprint comics when the company received contents without cover artwork.

He created and published new Australian comics in the 1980s, including Star HeroesThe Greatest Super Hero and Fantastic Australian Heroes. The books included international artists such as Tom Sutton, alongside local veterans Hal English and emerging creators Glenn Ford and Frants Kantor.

With Peter Mitris, he owned Sydney comic shop, Comic Empire, and helped organise Australia's first international comic convention in January 1986.

Rae is accused of stealing ideas from others and claiming credit, acquiring art and not paying for it, and misrepresenting art he is attempting to sell. In 2012, he used an assumed name (Vince Greck) to sell items from his 'deceased estate'. Those who paid for items reported not receiving them.

He also worked as campaign manager/press secretary for One Nation. In 2009 he was involved with the sale and publication of naked photos alleged to be of Pauline Hanson.

Showing items 1 to 10 of 27

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Superman Presents Supergirl Album (Murray, 1979 series) #35 (September 1979)
Untitled (Supergirl)
Comic: Cover
Planet Series 2 (Murray, 1979 series) #10 (October 1979)
World of Speed
Comic: Cover
Savage Tales (Murray, 1979? series) #17 (December 1979)
Untitled (Beowulf, Dragon Slayer)
Comic: Cover
Aquaman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #4 (December 1979)
Untitled (Aquaman)
Comic: Cover
Star-Heroes (R Rae, 1980?) (1980)
Swamp Moon
Comic: Comic story
Star-Heroes (R Rae, 1980?) (1980)
Cool Catch
Comic: Comic story
The Greatest Super Hero (R Rae, 1981 series) #1 (September-December 1981)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
The Super Hero Book (WCP, 1983 series) (1983)
Swamp Moon
Comic: Comic story
The Super Hero Book (WCP, 1983 series) (1983)
Walk, Talk
Comic: Comic story
The Super Hero Book (WCP, 1983 series) (1983)
Better Late Than Never
Comic: Comic story



  • 23 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 20 Mar 2021