Rod Reed United States

1910 in United States?
1989 in United States?
78-79 years
Credited for




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Who's Who of American Comic Books

Showing items 1 to 10 of 57

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
American Cowboy Comics (Vee, 1946?) (1946)
The Black Sheriff (Hopalong Cassidy)
Comic: Comic story
Wow Comics (Vee, 1946 series) #2 (1946)
Mikado for a Day (Commando Yank)
Comic: Comic story
Wow Comics (Vee, 1946 series) #2 (1946)
Mary Marvel Meets Her Uncle Marvel (Mary Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Wow Comics (Vee, 1946 series) #3 (November 1946)
The White Lily of France (Commando Yank)
Comic: Comic story
Wow Comics (Vee, 1946 series) #8 (April 1947)
Temple of Evil (Bulletman the Flying Detective)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Jr. (Vee, 1947 series) (1947)
Capt. Marvel Jr. and the Adventure of Sabbac (Captain Marvel Jr.)
Comic: Cover
Captain Marvel Jr. (Vee, 1947 series) (1947)
Untitled [The Nightmare Studio of Sabbac] (Captain Marvel Jr.)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Jr. (Vee, 1947 series) #2 (June 1947)
The Black Ace (Captain Marvel, Jr.)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Jr. (Vee, 1947 series) #2 (June 1947)
The Ghost Jam Session (Captain Marvel, Jr.)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Eagle (Vee, 1947? series) #2 (July 1947)
The Ace of Blades (The Phantom Eagle)
Comic: Comic story



  • 22 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 22 Apr 2018