Murray Boltinoff United States

3 January 1911 in United States
6 April 1994 in United States
83 years
Credited for




Also known as

Al Case (pen name)

Anne Case (pen name)

Blair Bolton (pen name)

Bob Donnely (pen name)

Evan Douglas (pen name)

Ray Bolton (pen name)

Sam Meade (pen name)

Wesley Marsh (pen name)

Woody Adams (pen name)

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Who's Who of American Comic Books

Wikipedia (English)

Showing items 2701 to 2732 of 2732

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
The Witching Hour (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
The Man with the Stolen Eyes
Comic: Comic story
The Witching Hour (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
'Til Death Us Do Join!
Comic: Comic story
The Witching Hour (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
The Ever Constant Drum! (Cynthia's Tale…)
Comic: Comic story
The Witching Hour (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
A Ghastly Revenge
Comic: Comic story
Madame Xanadu (Murray, 1982?) (May 1982)
My Daughter the Witch (The Three Witches)
Comic: Comic story
Tomahawk (Murray, 1982) (June 1982)
The Secrets of Sgt. Witch Doctor Part 2: The Death of Tomahawk (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
I... The Cursed (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Unlucky Omen
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
Supergirl Villains Quiz (Supergirl)
Comic: Activity
Blackhawk (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
The Phantom Spy (Blackhawk)
Comic: Comic story
Beast of Darkness (Murray, 1982) (September 1982)
Bray of the Phantom Beast
Comic: Comic story
Factory of Fear (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
The Doorway into Time! (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Factory of Fear (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
Death Town, U.S.A.! (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Factory of Fear (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
The Whip of Fear! (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Factory of Fear (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
Journey to a Nightmare (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Factory of Fear (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
Untitled (Ghosts and the Supernatural)
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
Haunted Any Houses Lately?
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
Of Greed and the Grave
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
The Night I Watched Myself Die!
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
Ghost Habits
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
The Phantom Who Saw His Future
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
The Phantom Hound
Comic: Comic story
Nightmare (Murray, 1982?) (November 1982)
Die, Dream Girl--Die! (Tales of the Mad Mod Witch)
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1982?) (December 1982)
Makers of the Mist!
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1982?) (December 1982)
Wrath of the Restless Specters
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1982?) (December 1982)
Feud with a Phantom
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1982?) (December 1982)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1983?) #Second Release (1983)
Makers of the Mist
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1983?) #Second Release (1983)
Wrath of the Restless Specters
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1983?) #Second Release (1983)
Feud with a Phantom
Comic: Comic story
Shadows from Beyond (Murray, 1983?) #Second Release (1983)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (July 1983)
The Day they Sold Superman's Fortress (Superman and Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Villain of the Supernatural (Federal, 1985?) (1985)
The Most Fearful Villain of the Supernatural
Comic: Comic story



  • 9 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 23 Aug 2019