Mercedes Shull United States

Showing items 51 to 66 of 66

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #75 (1952)
Captain Marvel Duels the Disaster Master (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #75 (1952)
Captain Marvel Duels the Disaster Master (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Cover
The Marvel Family (Cleland, 1949 series) #60 (May 1953)
Untitled (Literary Lister)
Comic: Comic story
Billy the Kid and Oscar (Cleland, 1953? series) #1 (December 1953)
Rice Shots (Billy the Kid and Oscar)
Comic: Comic story
Muggsy Mouse (New Century, 1951? series) #47 (November 1955)
The Perfect Host (Droopy the Ant Bear and Reddy Fox)
Comic: Comic story
Muggsy Mouse (New Century, 1951? series) #47 (November 1955)
The Master Criminal File (The Cub Reporter)
Comic: Comic story
Muggsy Mouse (New Century, 1951? series) #47 (November 1955)
He Pays for It (Tuck Sedo the Penguin Playboy)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (Sport Magazine, 1972 series) #1 (January 1972)
The Trail of the Serpent Queen (The Serpent Queen)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (Sport Magazine, 1972 series) #2 (April 1972)
Footprints on the Ceiling
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (Sport Magazine, 1972 series) #2 (April 1972)
The Sea of the Dead
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (Sport Magazine, 1972 series) #10 (August 1973)
The Thing from the Lake
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (KG Murray, 1973 series) #18 (December 1974)
The Black Candle of Life
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday Annual (KG Murray, 1975? series) #1 (November 1975)
Revolt of the Fingers
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday Annual (KG Murray, 1975? series) #1 (November 1975)
The Haunting White Shadow
Comic: Comic story
Ghostly Tales Album (Murray, 1979 series) #10 (April 1980)
The Black Candle of Life
Comic: Comic story
Choke! Classic & Obscure Horror Comics (Dillon Naylor, 2002 series) #1 (2002)
The Thing from the Lake!
Comic: Comic story



  • 26 Sep 2019

Last updated

  • 26 Sep 2019