Green Lantern Checklist
Feature story list
Green Lantern was one of the few series consistently imported into Australia. Reprints mainly appeared years after original printings and shifted through a range of titles, including brief local reprint series.
Checklist items
Even Superman Must Die Sometime
(Action Comics 470, April 1977)
Green Lantern's Blackout
(Detective Comics 350, April 1966)
The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander
(The Brave and the Bold 59, April-May 1965)
The Brave and the Bold (DC, 1955 series) #59 (April-May 1965) — The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander
Superman Presents Tip Top Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1965 series) #4 ([August 1965]) — The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander
The Brave and the Bold (DC, 1955 series) #112 (April-May 1974) — The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander
Bumper Batcomic (KG Murray, 1976 series) #1 ([August 1976?]) — The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander
War of the Cosmic Avenger
(The Brave and the Bold 69, December 1966-January 1967)
The Warrior In a Wheel-Chair
(The Brave and the Bold 100, February-March 1972)