
Delta 99 Checklist

Feature story list

Delta 99, agent from The confederation of planets in the three galaxies", is sent to Earth to monitor the technological development. The series mixes of science fiction and adventure.

Showing items 21 to 27 of 27

Checklist items Show all

Show/hide 21.  Untitled  (El "Show" del Terror)   Victor Mora & Manel
Show/hide 22.  Untitled  (Poker Siniestro)   Victor Mora & Mascaró
Show/hide 23.  Untitled  (Una Mujer al Volante)   Victor Mora & Manel
Show/hide 24.  Untitled  (El Tren del Apocalipsis)   Victor Mora & Manel
Show/hide 25.  Untitled  (Cosmo Catástrofe)   Victor Mora & Mascaró
Show/hide 26.  Untitled  (Perdidos en el Tiempo)   Victor Mora & Manel
Show/hide 27.  Untitled  (El Microhumano Solitario)   Victor Mora & Manel