United States

The Demon Checklist

Feature story list

The start of Kirby's The Demon was reprinted, but interrupted mid-run and probably never completely reprinted. See also Notes from the Junkyard.

Showing items 6 to 10 of 31

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Show/hide 6.  The Howler  (The Demon 6, February 1973)
Show/hide 7.  Witchboy  (The Demon 7, March 1973)
Show/hide 8.  Phantom of the Sewers  (The Demon 8, April 1973)
Show/hide 9.  Whatever Happened To Farley Fairfax  (The Demon 9, June 1973)
Show/hide 10.  The Thing That Screams  (The Demon 10, July 1973)