United States

Supergirl Checklist

Feature story list

Australian reprints of Supergirl stories.

Showing items 226 to 247 of 247

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Show/hide 226.  Half a Hero  (Superman 223, January 1970)
Show/hide 227.  The Forbidden Costume  (Action Comics 384, January 1970)
Show/hide 228.  The Kindergarten Criminal  (Adventure Comics 388, January 1970)


No Australian printings currently documented.
Show/hide 229.  The Romance Machine  (Adventure Comics 388, January 1970)
Show/hide 230.  The Mystery Magician  (Adventure Comics 389, February 1970)
Show/hide 231.  Supergirl's Jilted Boy Friends  (Adventure Comics 389, February 1970)
Show/hide 232.  Linda Danvers, Super-Star  (Adventure Comics 391, March 1970)


No Australian printings currently documented.
Show/hide 233.  The Super-Exchange Student  (Adventure Comics 391, March 1970)


No Australian printings currently documented.
Show/hide 234.  One Hero Too Many  (Action Comics 387, April 1970)


No Australian printings currently documented.
Show/hide 235.  The Super-Cheat  (Adventure Comics 392, April 1970)
Show/hide 236.  Supergirl's Lost Costume  (Adventure Comics 392, April 1970)
Show/hide 237.  The Unwanted Supergirl  (Adventure Comics 393, May 1970)
Show/hide 238.  The Girl Who Knew Supergirl's Secrets  (Adventure Comics 393, May 1970)
Show/hide 239.  The Mysterious Motr of Doov  (Adventure Comics 394, June 1970)
Show/hide 240.  Heartbreak Prison  (Adventure Comics 394, June 1970)
Show/hide 241.  The Ex-Superman  (Superman 229, August 1970)
Show/hide 242.  The Rejected Supergirl  (Adventure Comics 395, July 1970)
Show/hide 243.  The Heroine in the Haunted House  (Adventure Comics 395, July 1970)
Show/hide 244.  I Am a Witch  (Adventure Comics 396, August 1970)
Show/hide 245.  The Mystery of the Super-Orphan  (Adventure Comics 396, August 1970)
Show/hide 246.  Now Comes Zond  (Adventure Comics 397, September 1970)
Show/hide 247.  Supergirl Meets Nasty  (Adventure Comics 397, September 1970)