United States

Sunday Checklist

Feature story list

Sunday, produced by Selecciones Ilustradas, is the story of a Union colonel who returns from the civil war to find his son missing and his wife killed by southern bandits. He sets out to find his son, traversing the far-west and helping people he meets.

Showing items 6 to 10 of 18

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Show/hide 6.  Episode 6  (Los Buitres [Buitres humanos])   Translates as "The Vultures"
Show/hide 7.  Episode 7: Desert Angel  (El ángel del Mohave)   Translates as "The Mohave Angel"
Show/hide 8.  Episode 8  (El Capitán Siniestro)   Translates as "Captain Sinister"
Show/hide 9.  Episode 9  (Una historia del ferrocarril)   Translates as "A History of the Railways"  —1970
Show/hide 10.  Episode 10  (La noche de Apache Wells)   Translates as "The Night of Apache Wells"