
Ringo Checklist

Feature story list

Ringo is a renamed "Gringo", syndicated internationally by Spanish agency, Selecciones Ilustradas. The lead character is a white Americano (a "gringo") who defends the marginalised in the US south-west.

Showing items 51 to 78 of 78

Checklist items Show all

Show/hide 51.  The Indian Agent  ([Spanish title unknown])   Suso
Show/hide 52.  The Young Rebels  ([Spanish title unknown])   Suso
Show/hide 53.  Portugese: "O Disfarce"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Disguise"—Suso
Show/hide 54.  Portugese: "Guerra em Três Frentes"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "War on Three Fronts"—Suso
Show/hide 55.  Untitled [The Witch]  ([Spanish title unknown])   Portugese: "A Bruxa"—Suso  —1972
Show/hide 56.  Untitled [Vermissa City]  ([Spanish title unknown])   Suso  —1972
Show/hide 57.  The Impostor  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 58.  Untitled  ([Spanish title unknown])   Begins: "During the American expansion towards the west..."
Show/hide 59.  Men and Beasts  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 60.  Translates as "The Impersonation"  (La Suplantación)
Show/hide 61.  Translates as "The Caravan"  (La Caravana)
Show/hide 62.  The Samurai  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 63.  The Hunt  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 64.  The Will  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 65.  Queen of the Desert  (La Reina Del Desierto)
Show/hide 66.  Bandito  ([Spanish title unknown])
Show/hide 67.  Portugese: "A Serra Branca"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "White Sierra/Mountains"
Show/hide 68.  Portugese: "Destino: Terence Valley"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as: "Destination: Terence Valley"
Show/hide 69.  Portugese: "Um Homem no Campo"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "A Man in the Field"
Show/hide 70.  Portugese: "O Ressuscitado"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Risen"
Show/hide 71.  Portugese: "A Herança de Miss Riley"  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "Miss Riley's Inheritance"
Show/hide 72.  Arms Trafficking  ([Spanish title unknown])   This could be "Traficantes de armas"/"Gun Runners"
Show/hide 73.  Condemned Society  ([Spanish title unknown])   This could be "El condenado"
Show/hide 74.  Norwegan: Kampen om Gold Valley  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Battle in Gold Valley"
Show/hide 75.  Norwegan: Arvingen  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Heir"
Show/hide 76.  Norwegan: Nybyggerne  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Settlers"
Show/hide 77.  Norwegan: Den gjenoppståtte  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Resurrected"
Show/hide 78.  Norwegan: Hevneren  ([Spanish title unknown])   Translates as "The Avenger"