
Johnny Galaxy Checklist

Feature story list

Johnny Galaxy and the Space Patrol was among the earliest work from Spanish agency Selecciones Ilustradas (SI) to be printed by KG Murray in Australia.

Showing items 51 to 97 of 97

Checklist items Show all

Show/hide 51.  The Spaceships from Orion  (Portugese: "As Astronaves de Orion")
Show/hide 52.  Transmuted Oxygen  (Oxigeno trasmutado)
Show/hide 53.  Macroworld of Procyon
Show/hide 54.  The Platinum Men  (Los hombres de platino)
Show/hide 55.  The Land of Fogs   Jordi Mora ?
Show/hide 56.  Being From Another World
Show/hide 57.  The Vultures of Outer Space
Show/hide 58.  Auxiliary Aids
Show/hide 59.  A Strange Call
Show/hide 60.  Burning Death
Show/hide 61.  The Sidereal Prison  (La Prision sideral)
Show/hide 62.  Zoo Specimens  (French: "La peur qui sauve")
Show/hide 63.  The Riddle of the Silent World  (El Enigma del Planeta Mudo)
Show/hide 64.  A World of Wonders  (Portugese: "Um Mundo de Maravilhas")
Show/hide 65.  Eclipse of the Sun on Venus  (Portugese: "Eclipse em Vénus")
Show/hide 66.  U-5 the Monsters' Base  (U5 base de monstruos)
Show/hide 67.  Atom Centre  (French: "La centrale atomique")
Show/hide 68.  The Final Hour
Show/hide 69.  A Nightmare World
Show/hide 70.  The Cosmic Sleepers  (Los durmientes del cosmos)
Show/hide 71.  Spatial Intruder  (Turkish: "Başka dünyalarda")
Show/hide 72.  The Giant World of Protion
Show/hide 73.  Translates as "Human Samples"  (Portugese: "Amostras Humanas")   This could be the story "Zoo Specimens"
Show/hide 74.  Translates as "Invasion of the Giants"  (Portugese: "Invasão de Gigantes")   This could be the story "The Giants"
Show/hide 75.  Translates as "An Island in Space"  (Portugese: "Uma Ilha No Espaço")
Show/hide 76.  Translates as "Duel of the Future"  (Portugese: "Duelo do Futuro")   This could be the story "Visions of the Future"
Show/hide 77.  Translates as "The Strange Planet"  (Portugese: "O Estranho Planeta")
Show/hide 78.  Translates as "Universe in Danger"  (Portugese: Quando o Universo Está em Perigo)
Show/hide 79.  Possibly "A quiet place on Earth"  (Portugese: "Um Recanto de Solo")
Show/hide 80.  Translates as "Strange Call"  (Portugese: "Estranha Chamada")
Show/hide 81.  Translates as "The Trojan Horse"  (Portugese: "O Cavalo de Tróia")
Show/hide 82.  Translates as "The Monsters Attack  (Portugese: "Os monstros atacam")
Show/hide 83.  Translates as "The Sword of Damocles"  (Portugese: "A Espada de Damocles")
Show/hide 84.  Translates as "A Pleasant Mission"  (French: "Une mission agréable")
Show/hide 85.  Translates as "The Scorching Planet"  (French: "la planète brulante")
Show/hide 86.  Translates as "The Man of Snow"  (French: "L'homme des neige")
Show/hide 87.  Translates as "Island of the Madman"  (French: "L'île du fou")
Show/hide 88.  Translates as "Doctor Stevens"  (French: "Le Docteur Stevens")
Show/hide 89.  Translates as "The Living Robots"  (French: "Les robots vivants")
Show/hide 90.  Translates as "Lann the Devil"  (French: "Lann le diabolique")
Show/hide 91.  Possibly translates as "The Mind Robbers"  (French: "Les voleurs de conscience")
Show/hide 92.  Untitled
Show/hide 93.  Untitled
Show/hide 94.  Translates as "The Wild Planet"  (French: "La planète sauvage")
Show/hide 95.  Translates as "The Little Monster"  (French: "Le petit monstre")
Show/hide 96.  Translates as "In the Land of Uchima"  (French: "Au pays des Uchimes")
Show/hide 97.  Translates as "Magnetic Power"  (French: "Pouvoir magnétique")